“Music Festival in the Ikego Forest 2018” Venue: 400m track at Ikego Forest Ground


“Music Festival in the Ikego Forest 2018”
Venue: 400m track at Ikego Forest Ground

This is a music festival for kids and adults alike, featuring performances by musicians of all ages with a connection to Zushi. This year’s second festival is a two-day event.
This year’s festival will be a two-day event, with a market area (Green City Yard) and a workshop area, which are also popular at the Tomoik Festival.
The Ikego Forest Nature Park is a place where Zushi City and the U.S. have a long history of collaboration. The park has a long history of collaboration between Zushi City and the United States.


10/27 (Sat) Timetable
[Hours 11:00-20:00] 11:00- Anna Atkinson
12:00- U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet Band
13:00- Rap lessons for kids (Kan Takagi & Bose)
14:00- LUNASUN (Haruo Chikada & OMB)
15:00- Beipana
17:00- the sea falls asleep
18:00- Gen Nagashima
18:00- Otoji + Ray
19:00- Gutevolk

10/28 (Sunday) Timetable
[Hours 11:00-18:00] 11:00- Half Mile Beach Club
12:00- Mugi Hirakawa
12:50- Imagine Bon Dance Club
14:30- ☆. A/NAOITO
15:25- Heatmiser
16:00- Active.
17:20- Kamome Jidda Gasshodan